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Pomerium Console Environment Variables

The keys listed below can be applied in Pomerium Console's config.yaml file, or applied as environment variables (in uppercase, replacing - with _).

NameDescriptionDefault Value
#administratorsA list of user ids, names or emails to make administrators. Useful for bootstrapping.none
#audienceA list of audiences for verifying the signing key.[]
#authenticate-service-urlURL for the Authenticate Service. Required for Device Registration.none
#bind-addrThe address the Pomerium Console will listen on.:8701
#customer-idThe customer IDnone
#database-encryption-keyThe base64-encoded encryption key for encrypting sensitive data in the database.none
#database-urlThe database Pomerium Enterprise Console will use.postgresql://pomerium:pomerium
#databroker-service-urlThe databroker service URL.http://localhost:5443
#debug-config-dumpDumps the Databroker configuration. This is a debug option to be used only when specified by Pomerium Support.false
#disable-remote-diagnosticsDisable remote diagnostics.true
#disable-validationDisable config validation.false
#grpc-addrThe address to listen for gRPC on.:8702
#helphelp for servefalse
#license-keyRequired: Provide the license key issued by your account team.none
#override-certificate-nameOverrides the certificate name used for the databroker connection.none
#prometheus-data-dirThe path to Prometheus datanone
#prometheus-listen-addrWhen set, embedded Prometheus listens at this address. Set as host:port127.0.0.1:9090
#prometheus-scrape-intervalThe Prometheus scrape frequency10s
#prometheus-urlThe URL to access the Prometheus metrics server.none
#shared-secretThe base64-encoded secret for signing JWTs, shared with OSS Pomerium.none
#signing-keybase64-encoded signing key (public or private) for verifying JWTs. This option is deprecated in favor of authenticate-service-url.none
#tls-cabase64-encoded string of tls-canone
#tls-ca-filefile storing tls-canone
#tls-certbase64-encoded string of tls-certnone
#tls-cert-filefile storing tls-certnone
#tls-insecure-skip-verifyDisable remote hosts TLS certificate chain and hostname checks.false
#tls-keybase64-encoded string of tls-keynone
#tls-key-filefile storing tls-keynone
#use-static-assetsWhen false, forward static requests to localhost:3000.true